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Tree Farmer Alert  

Sunday, August 5, 2018
Over 800 readers and growing!


Private Landowners Survey

contributed by
Ariel Campos, MBA student

We are MBA stubents at Colorado State University working on a business plan to fulfill or requirements for a degree. We have decided to build a plan to create a business based on unique ways to utilize Colorado wood.

At this point in our research we are trying to gather concrete data on private landowners living in the wildland-urban interface and more rural areas! As you have connections and access to private landowners would you mind sharing the link to our survey with them so we can measure their answers and determine which business model to pursue this fall? 

We are looking for general information and will keep all responses confidential. Thanks in advance. We greatly appreciate your help and are hopeful that owners will be able to and interested in participating in this research. 

Private Landowners Survey

Thanks so much!

Ariel Campos,
Global Social & Sustainable Enterprise MBA - CSU College of Business


Here's How America Uses Its Land

contributed by
Dan Wand,
CSFS, Retired
Colorado Tree Farm Treasurer


There are many statistical measures that show how productive the U.S. is. Its economy is the largest in the world and grew at a rate of 4.1 percent last quarter, its fastest pace since 2014. The unemployment rate is near the lowest mark in a half century.

What can be harder to decipher is how Americans use their land to create wealth. The 48 contiguous states alone are a 1.9 billion-acre jigsaw puzzle of cities, farms, forests and pastures that Americans use to feed themselves, power their economy and extract value for business and pleasure.



Tree Cutting 101

contributed by
Steve Goodroad, Tree Farmer


Of course, this could never happen to one of us:

Watch video


Michelin wants to replace oil
with wood in tires

contributed by
Craig Rawlings
Forest Business Network

Wooden tires don't have the best ring to them, but Michelin firmly believes they'll be a reality in 2020.

The French tire maker told Motoring in a report published this month of its plans to introduce wood into tires, and it's all about moving away from oil.





contributed by
Mason C. Carter


Biological Controls

(Good beetle)

contributed by
Ann Rowland, Amature Silviculturist


The use of biological controls for combating hemlock decline caused by the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) is a promising, essential, and popular component of hemlock conservation and HWA management.

Read More


Compensation Available for Landowners Wanting to Protect Forestlands

Attached is a news release announcing that all this month the Colorado State Forest Service will be accepting Forest Legacy Program proposals from Colorado landowners. The program provides a means for private landowners to protect environmentally valuable forest areas that could someday be threatened by development or conversion to other non-forest uses, via the CSFS purchasing permanent conservation easements. The application deadline is August 31.

 Please contact me with any questions.



 Ryan Lockwood 

External & Media Communications Specialist

Colorado State Forest Service


5060 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-5060




Building a Modular Wood Shed

contributed by
Mike Hughes, CSFS


Here is a short instruction guide from the EPA on how to build a simple wood shed.  Maybe something for the next ‘Tree Farm Alert.’


Read More



What's in your Woods?


Watch this short video

Be a winner in the Wisest Woodcutter contest by choosing the most correct answers in "Whats in your Woods?" over the next year. See details.

Find the correct answer to the question from the previous issue here




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